With the exception of the Red-shouldered Hawk all others; Brown Creeper, Black-capped Chickadee, Goldfinch (winter plumage), Carolina Wrens and the American Tree Sparrow were all yard birds.
A tiny Brown Creeper... |
A couple of my favorites, Carolina Wrens... |
A Black-capped Chickadee... |
A Black-capped Chickadee working on a sunflower seed... |
Goldfinch (winter plumage)... |
A Red-shouldered Hawk taking a look back... |
Red-shouldered Hawk... |
An American Tree Sparrow chillin'... |
An American Tree Sparrow selecting a seed... |
Thanks for stopping by...
these are great shots! i just love the personality of these tiny birds (all of them, really). those wrens are SO adorable. and i'm amazed the brown creeper let you get such a good, clear, open shot! way to go!
Again, great shots that make me envious of the crispness of your photos!! I've been seeing a Brown Creeper, and had no idea what it was, and now I do--THANKS!!
I hope you're doing well!!
Hi Larry...do you know how far down your comment section is from the post on this one...I thought there was no comment section you have to scroll a way down..lol
I love the two Wrens they are adorable and the feathers on the Hawks back are beautiful...nice set of your birdie's ; }
Beautiful images, especially the Hawk, it is something special.
Larry, absolutely lovely winter shots of your yard birds! The photograph of the two Carolina Wrens is my favorite. Sweet chickadees. Wonderful Brown Creeper image. They are not easy birds to photograph because they move around so rapidly. Looks like your yard is very busy with lots of beautiful feathered friends.
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