Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Whitetails Abound...

Another fulfilled afternoon and evening watching and photographing the Whitetail Deer. It started with the unfortunate demise of a deer and a fortunate meal for a Turkey Vulture. Then... Waaaay off in the distance I saw a piebald deer, a rare and exciting moment for me. I am hopeful to get more opportunities to photograph this animal. Another location near by I saw and photographed several doe skirting through a gully bottom. They seemed to be in a hurry, a couple did stop momentarily to check the surroundings. Late afternoon into early evening provided some exciting Whitetail events.

A Turkey Vulture doing what vultures do...

No... It's not a goat, it's a Piebald Deer...

Piebald Deer with two companions...
Two Whitetail Doe passing through...

Whitetail Doe, stopping, checking...
Young Whitetail Doe...
Nice Whitetail Buck with two doe...
Smelling scent on a hanging branch...
Must smell good...

Off to find himself a receptive doe...

Still needing to rub those antlers...
Signs of battle... This buck has lost his left antler in a fight for the ladies...
This young buck is giving me his best side...

You have to give this youngster an "A" for effort and an "O" for picking on someone a lot bigger than him...
Nice Buck looking for a mate...
Two large Whitetail Bucks refueling for more fighting and mating...



TexWisGirl said...

you got some great shots! the piebald is cool too!

Its Time to Live said...

Looks to have been a great day!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Larry!! Great shots, especially of the piebald deer! I've never heard of them and read more about them in Maryland. How cool are they and what a treat for you to see and photograph!!

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

Wonderful pics! I love deer. Had three in the front yard one night until my dog saw them and scared them away. I can sometimes here them in my woods doing the 'whooosh' sound...blowing to let you know they know you're there.