The Caspian Turn, as large as a big gull, is the largest tern in the world. It's large coral red bill makes it one of the most easily identified terns throughout its worldwide range. A first for me.This sighting happened at one of my favorite haunts, The Lilypon Water Gardens. It's always a thrill to see and photograph something new. Again you will see a Canadian Goose coming in for a landing. I can't help it, I think in flight photos are a lot of fun when you catch them right. The Wild Turkeys were literally taking a walk in the park, the Monocacy Battlefield Park.
Here we have a Caspian Turn (center) Canada Goose (left) and a Great Blue Heron (right)... |
Caspian Turn... |
A Canada Goose coming in for a landing... |
Touchdown... |
Wild Turkeys... |