Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Isn't There A Song About Muskrats...

Muskrats are large rodents that live near water. They have thick brown fur and a long, furless, scaly tail. They can grow up to two feet long (with tail). Their rear feet are webbed for swimming, and their eyes and ears are very small. I was fortunate enough to see this guy before he saw me and I was able to get a few photos. A Great Blue Heron sat camouflaged in a near by pond. Another gave me a silhouetted fly by. One of the resident Marsh Sparrows paid a visit and allowed a photo. As I was traversing some new territory I discovered a warning, fortunately not so threatening this time of year.

A glimpse of winter fauna...
One of the tributaries feeding the ponds...
A Muskrat looking for a resting spot...
Muskrat doing an about face and taking a breather...
Looking for lunch? I'm not sure...
OK, I'll be leaving now...
See ya...
Great Blue Heron giving me a winter sky silhouetted fly by...

Great Blue Heron sneaking a camouflaged peek...
Here a Marsh Sparrow gives me a glance...
BEEs!!! Not. Honeybees all tucked away in their hives. They are all in for the season.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Osage-Oranges and Other Stuff

Fruit of the Osage Orange Tree, the Hedge Apple. Folklore provides numerous claims that hedge apples are repellent to insects and spiders. The fruit of the osage-orange has been placed in households for ages. Does it work? Depends on who you ask. Osage Orange trees are a magnet for every squirrel in the neighborhood.  They typically sit on the ground at the base of the tree or on a wide branch up in the tree to disassemble their prize, making a big mess in the process. Whitetail deer melt into their surroundings. A black Vulture about to partake in a dining experience.   A White-throat Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco and a Carolina Wren offer some entertainment. On a cold rainy December day a Red-shouldered Hawk tried to find some comfort on a perch in the woods.

Osage-Oranges... Lots more oranges than squirrels...

Grey Squirrel with a mouth full of Osage-Orange...
Grey Squirrel eating the inner seeds of an Osage-Orange...
Three Whitetail Doe catch my drift...

Whitetail Doe...
A Black Vulture, stepping up to the road kill...
A White-throat Sparrow...

A Dark-eyed Junco...
A Carolina Wren...

A Carolina Wren...
The backside of the Red-shouldered Hawk...
A dripping wet Red-shouldered Hawk...

A Red-shouldered Hawk...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Reflections and Surprises

I have an attraction to the offerings of reflections. Sometimes mirror like and sometimes presented with interruption. None-the less, in nature, it often presents a solace and peaceful experience. As I traverse through the Gardens I came upon a couple Great Blue Herons and had some Mallards give me a fly by. The Ceder Waxwing and Downy Woodpecker greeted me as I walked through the area and allowed me a couple photo ops.

A beautiful December day. The season has removed much of the color but beauty abounds...
Reflection gives back a double take..
Giving back again...
A Great Blue Heron contemplating an escape...
Great Blue Heron taking flight...
Cattail doubles...
Showing up twice...
Mallard Drake off and away...

Mallard Drake continues on his way...

Wings down and wings up...
We're otta here...

Déjà vu ...
Ceder Waxwing sets close by...

Downy Woodpecker looking a little angry
Mirror mirror...

Stretched across the pond...
Great Blue Heron x 2...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Back Yard Birds... Goldfinch, White-brested Nuthatch, Black-crestedTitmouse, Chick-a-dee, Red-bellied Woodpecker and House Finch

It is always good to see so much activity. Especially with the variety that showed up at my feeders today. The Goldfinches are displaying their winter plumage and are not as dramatic as earlier in the season but quite incredible none-the-less. 

Goldfinches, Black-crested Titmouse, House Wren and Fox Sparrow...

Goldfinches, Black-crested Titmouse, House Wren, Fox Sparrow and White-breasted Nuthatch...
Black-capped Chick-a-dee...

Black-capped Chick-a-dee...
Fox Sparrow...

Red-bellied Woodpecker...
Goldfinch (fm) winter plumage...

Goldfinch (male) winter plumage...

Goldfinch (male) winter plumage..
Black-crested Titmouse...
Black-crested Titmouse...
Can't have a bird feeder without one of these guys, a Grey Squirrel...