Muskrats are large rodents that live near water. They have thick brown fur and a long, furless, scaly tail. They can grow up to two feet long (with tail). Their rear feet are webbed for swimming, and their eyes and ears are very small. I was fortunate enough to see this guy before he saw me and I was able to get a few photos. A Great Blue Heron sat camouflaged in a near by pond. Another gave me a silhouetted fly by. One of the resident Marsh Sparrows paid a visit and allowed a photo. As I was traversing some new territory I discovered a warning, fortunately not so threatening this time of year.
A glimpse of winter fauna... |
One of the tributaries feeding the ponds... |
A Muskrat looking for a resting spot... |
Muskrat doing an about face and taking a breather... |
Looking for lunch? I'm not sure... |
OK, I'll be leaving now... |
See ya... |
Great Blue Heron giving me a winter sky silhouetted fly by... |
Great Blue Heron sneaking a camouflaged peek... |
Here a Marsh Sparrow gives me a glance... |
BEEs!!! Not. Honeybees all tucked away in their hives. They are all in for the season. |
Thanks for stopping by.